April 23, 2009

From London With Love

That's my best friend nazrene posing at a flower market tapi orang kenal tempat tu cam Camden. Well, thats what she told me. And its at Hackney which is 5 miles away from Central London. There's a furniture store called WAWA and kat situ macam jadi tempat lepak for art school students around UK to find some inspirations. Macam best kan??
She said she was sick on that day but she managed to put up a big smile,sebab ape? Sebab teringat kat gua la tuh bila tengok nama kedai tuh. Hahaha(syok sendiri). Well, i miss you too!! Balik cepat wehh!!


iamstradust said...

lagi sinonim kalau ada

seorang perempuan sedang menyilang kaki, mata macam stone, hisap rokok malboro

tak perlu dah tulis "wawa" lagi

nazrene said...

i rindu kat u jugak wawa.
hopefully we can go there together k..